Forging History
Secret Histories
did you know :
- First simple Moslems conquered the Roman and Persian Empires with their comparatively small but bold army in less than 20 years.
- Simple illiterate Moslem Arabs became in a short time, leaders of the scientific and cultural world for over 800 years.
- Moslems, reached what is believed to be the new world and their army was for ages the unconquered army, that infidels feared the whole world was about to be Moslem.
- Arabs were known for their tolerance and keeping promises.
- The whole Roman sea (Mediterranean sea), came under Moslem rule for centuries (including Cyprus , Rhodes, Crete, Sicily, Malta, etc.,), so as Roman Egypt, Syria, Anatolia, Bulgaria, Greece and eastern Europe. Historians also admit Switzerland, southern Germany, Scandinavia, France , Italy (including Venice), had been under Moslem rule , but after Venice was usurped by normans during a barbaric crusadic attack (even Europeans admit crusades were intolerant greedy barbaric attacks ) contrasting greatly to tolerant Moslems. Venice was chosen as base for barbaric attacks on Moslems after kidnapping their scientists’ secrets of firearms.
- Even England came under Moslem rule (top secret history). And there were coins with the Moslem Caliph’s name.(eighth century A.D.)
- Plundering to Moslem territories started earlier, danger coming from the north, (mentioned in the old and new Testaments) , arrived by 8th century. The Vandals(northern pirates) after several years of plundering northern Europe, then retreating to the north each time, were finally defeated by Charles Martel, but made a deal with them to fight together and plunder moslem territories , giving them a land to settle at Belgium , called Normandy , after their name northmen = Normans. Their army termed Francs. (claiming they've become new israels).
- The first defeat of a Moslem army was by Charles Martel (the illegitimate son of Pepin), at La Poitiere (France), 732 A.D. Charles hence with the Normans continued to attack and plunder Moslem European territories.
- After the great earthquake and volcanic eruption, many Moslem islands at the Mediterranean drowned, including the island of Thiera (Saintorini – Greece). This caused the weakness of Ommiads Caliphs.
- Ironically the Abbassids Caliphs , who usurped Ommiad Moslem territories, co-operated with the Normans to conquere and divide Moslem lands, and Caliph Haron El Rashid was among those attending the celebration of Charl le maine as king of Romans at Rome.
- The new forged name of Roman Empire had nothing to do with the real Roman Empire which had been fully inherited by the moslems : By mid 4th century A.D. , Romans under Constantine moved their western capital from old Rome to new Rome at Constantinople = Istanbul (Turkey now)., and since then werstern Rome diminished as a small town of no mention.
- Only by the 9th century Charelemaine decided to revive glories of ancient Rome, crowned himself as king of Rome (start of Catholicism creed) - schism with Constantinople (the true Orthodox Romans), causing fierce struggle between the two churches after he moved his papcy from France to Italy(Rome).
- By mid 10th century , king Otto of Germany, announced the creation of “The Holy Roman Empire Of the German Nation ”, and started on a series of ethnic cleansing to Moslems , Magyars and forcing Catholicism under threat of death. Hence Normans successive ethnic cleansing and forcing of the catholic creed on Europeans under threat of death or exile.
- Also Constantinople came early under arab rule before the Ottoman Turks and the Seljuk Romans. Tolerant enough to keep the Orthodox emperor's office , but after the great volcanic eruption of 726A.D. the emperor grasped the chance to attack moslems at the Aegan, Anatolia, Armenia and Iraq, repopulated its inhabitants , but moslems returned their lands later.
- Historians discover lately that Fatimid Caliphs (who ruled over vast Moslem territories), were jews who pretended to be Moslems, and not only gave themselves Moslem names but claimed to be from prophets house (far from truth); were early plotters of Zionism and secretely co-operated with crusaders handling them most of European Moslem territories in a successive wave of ethnic cleansing to all what is Moslem in Europe, and were reason for the success of the crusades in usurping Jerusalem from the Moslems for over a hundred year!
- Arabs were the pioneer travelers to the New Found lands - 800 years later Normans after emprisoning scientists, translating Arabic books ,used their maps and geographers’ help to reach America. Hence European start their rennaisance and rennovation to what was once Eslamic.!
- Forging truth, cheating nations, rewriting history in their favor was one basic rule in the Zionists’ protocols , preparing to their final aim of conquering and ruling the world. (secret world government).
- Also destroying all religions except theirs , its followers ending up as being devil’s worshipers.
- The secret philosophic group with emperialistic aim, started late after Jewish exile to Babilonia (2nd century A.D.).Babel
- Zionist protocols shapes some basics of what the world secret government plans: prevailing materialism , twisting realities: saying something and meaning something else, using misleading propaganda , money and women to lead nations astray . their ways: lying to Christians and Moslems , illusions to jews that they’re the chosen nation and others inferior, araising fanaticism between nations and sects. Thus leading those who follow them directly to eternal gates of hell.
Did you know that :
- what’s happening to Moslems now is mentioned in Old and New testaments as what will happen to believers at the end of time.
- Trinity is a basic ancient Egyptian belief , later adopted by jews and instilled through Shaol the jew (Paul’s preaching) into Christanity.. Eslam rejected it as an unforgivable sin.
- Nothing today shines as the startling truth , how unfair people had been to the Truth: Eslam that came as a mercy leading people from darkness to Light.
- The Prophet Mohamed The Blessed , termed by his people : The Honest, The Never Lying, came as the Final Messenger to humankind reminding them of what was said by prophets before : their deeds would be finally judged :
Goodness wins
Infidility and aggression : severest punishment.
- Western Encyclopedia’s , including Encyclopedia Britannica & Encyclopedias of Fine Arts and Civilizations.
- Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of History (usually old editions before amending truth!)
- Shattering the myths by Bruce L.
- Moslems Discovery Of Europe by Bernard Louis.
- History Of Europe
- Others.
( just fill gaps ).
Read and decide.
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